"Arroz con leche me quiero casar letra - Dulce melodía del amor"

In 2006, Carlos MacClesh sent another version with the note:

Arroz con leche me quiero casar
con una señorita de San Nicolás
Que sepa coser
Que sepa bordar
Que sepa habrir la puerta para ir a jugar

Con ésta sí
con ésta no
con esta señorita me caso yo!

Rice Pudding
(English Translation)

Rice pudding I want to be married
To a young lady from San Nicolas
Who knows how to sew
Who knows how to knit
Who knows how to open the door to go out to play.

To this one I will
To this one I won't
To this young lady I'll marry (soon).

Many thanks to Susan Pomerantz for playing the Arroz con leche tune on the piano.


Julio Rodriguez recently wrote me, "I was raised in Argentina and never heard the version of Arroz con leche posted in your site. Fito Angueira's version is the one most people know (recorded by Ana Maria Walsh). It also appears to be the one that best rhymes: casAR / bordAR / jugAR."

Alejandro López wrote me in July 2004 to add, "I also fully agree with Julio Rodríguez about the "Arroz con leche" discussion. The only thing I have to say is that it is not Ana María Walsh, but María Elena Walsh who sang it."

My thanks also go out to Susan Pomerantz for playing this tune on piano.

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